Dive deeper into the world of API

The Shapemaker REST API allows you to access the Shapemaker models without using the Shapemaker user interface. This is valuable for integration to other platforms, softwares and systems.

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CRM softwares

Asset management platforms

CAD systems

Cloud servers

Serverless solutions

Mobile apps

The API endpoint collection documents how to use the Shapemaker API for authenticating to our servers and requesting calculations on the Shapemaker models.

A typical workflow for requesting a calculation of Shapemaker models consists of the following steps:

4 steps process


Test Endpoint

This endpoint might be used to simply test the network connection with our server.


Get ID Token

By requesting the authentication with an email and password we return a idToken which can be used for subsequent requests.


Request product ticket

This endpoint will provide an SMProductTicket to our 3D model to visualize it in a browser.


Request for analysis

This request will kick-off a full analysis of a structure and return with the solution compiled in a PDF document.

Dive deeper into the world off API, and go to the API documentation.

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